Dear Clients!
We are sorry to inform you that our clinic is closed until the epidemic situation with Covid-19 virus allows us to reopen.
We let you know the day of reopening as soon as possible.
What now?
Our sales activity is not affected by this extraordinary situation. If you already have an x-ray, we will be happy to calculate you a personalized offer. If you already have a booked dental trip but you cannot visit us due to some restrictions, we will be happy to help you to reschedule your appointment!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
Phone: +44 20 380 76 292
What is Covid-19?
COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is a disease caused by SARS-
CoV-2. Eighty per cent of those infected recovers without any special treatment, while one out of six infected develops symptoms.
At our clinic, we make every effort to provide the most sterile environment possible for everyone:
- We do not treat and have not treated patients who are ill, have a high temperature or any symptoms, as we cannot do so medically.
- Our equipment is regularly cleaned with special sterilization equipment.
- To keep our consulting rooms and premises clean, we use the highest level of protection provided by the disinfectants of the Swiss company, Dermocol.
- Our physicians/assistants and colleagues pay special attention to personal hygiene.
Please do the followings for everyone's safety
If /Before you arrive at our clinic, pay special attention to hygiene! It is worth reading the WHO recommendations minutely (see here), but here we have collected some useful advice for you:
- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly, preferably with disinfectant soap.
- If you sneeze or cough, please use a tissue and then wash your hands again.
- Avoid touching your face and eyes if it is possible.
- Avoid handshakes and hugs.
- Avoid contact with a patient with a high temperature.
- Consult a doctor immediately if you have a high temperature.